Creative and Performing Arts - Theatre

(1) The recipient must be a freshman with a declared Theater major,
(2) Recipient must have a minimum of 2.5 grade point average in high school,
(3) Recipient may receive this annual scholarship for a maximum of four years, and
(4) Recipient must also audition or interview for the scholarship.If the recipient is primarily interested in acting, the audition should be a prepared, memorized monologue. If the recipient’s primary area of interest is design/tech, he or she should be prepared to present a portfolio. If the recipient is primarily interested in playwriting, directing, or dramaturgy, he or she should be prepared to present a sample of writing and talk about theater production experiences. If the recipient is interested in arts/theatre administration, they should prepare a one page narrative about their experience and interest. The Department of Theater also offers a general concentration. If that is the recipient’s interest, he or she should be prepared to audition or present a portfolio or writing sample.
Please email Julie Dixon at to reserve an audition/interview time.

Students who receive the Creative & Performing Arts Scholarship in Theater agree to participate in a minimum of one production every academic year for all four years of their scholarship.

Several awards ranging between $3,000-$6,000