All Opportunities
Automatch Scholarships: Once you complete your General Application, you will be matched with scholarships for which you immediately qualify based on school reported data – no further action is required. To see a list of scholarships that may need additional action on your part to receive consideration, select “Recommended” under “Opportunities.” All students who qualify will be automatched to these opportunities. Qualifying does not guarantee you will receive a scholarship only that you are now eligible to be considered for one. To note, you may also need to complete and submit a conditional application based on your college.
Browsing “All” Scholarships: Below is a list of all scholarship opportunities within Indiana State University’s Blackbaud system. The majority are for the 2024-2025 academic year. The “Deadline” column indicates the deadline to complete the application including submitted letters of recommendation to receive consideration. This is not the deadline to accept the award.
Award Amount: The number and award amount of scholarships are for general information purposes only and should not be considered a guarantee of what you will receive if selected. Actual award amounts vary based on students’ individual eligibility, funds available, and other factors.
Award | Name | Actions |
Varies |
E. Leon & Roberta L. Sackrider Scholarship
Recipient must be a worthy student majoring in accounting at Indiana...
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Earl and Hazel E. Travioli Memorial Scholarship
(1) Must be an entering or returning full time student who is a Vigo...
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Earl Cooper Smith Award Scholarship
(1) Academic performance by a sophomore man or woman who is majoring in...
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Earl E. and Josephine Maynard
Will provide scholarships for students enrolled in the ISU College of...
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ECT Alumni Endowed Scholarship
(1) Recipient must have declared major within the Department of...
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Eddy and Kathy G. Cabello Annual Scholarship
The intent of this scholarship is to provide support for minority...
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Edgar L. Morphet Research Scholarship
Students interested in being considered for this award should be...
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Edgar M. Tanruther Scholarship
Criteria: (1) A junior or senior majoring in elementary education (2)...
varies |
Edward A. Pease Outstanding PIKE Award
The recipient of this award shall be the student that received the...
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Edward C. Roeber Memorial Scholarship
Scholarship to be awarded to a graduate student in the field of counseling.
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Edwin W. and Mary Ann Miller Scholarship in Business
(1) Recipient must be a worthy student with a declared major in the...
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Elbert F. and Wilbur E. Morgan Scholarship
Recipient must be an incoming student (freshman) from Lafayette...
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Eleanor Forsythe St. John Scholarship
(1) A physical education major with a minimum of 60 undergraduate hours...
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Eleanor K. and Henry E. Meurer Music Education Scholarship
A junior or senior music education major
Enrolled full time
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Eleanor Reid Justice Piano Scholarship
Eligible students: (1) Must be a piano major or principal in the School...
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Elisha A Bourn Scholarship in Education
A deserving student who is an Indiana resident with an overall GPA of...
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Elizabeth V. Dempsey Scholarship
Eligible students will be: (1) Junior or Senior students enrolled in the...
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Elizabeth Weller Memorial Scholarship
This scholarship is established for the benefit of a worthy student or...
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Elliot and Estelle Nelson Scholarship
Recipient must be a College of Education student with at least a 3.0 GPA.
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Elmer J. Porter Scholarship
Eligibility: 1) Must be a deserving student(s) enrolled in the...
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Elsie Downs Memorial Scholarship
Any student enrolled at ISU.
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Elsie E. Taylor Memorial Scholarship in Business
Eligible students will: (1)Possess excellent academic achievement in...
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Emily Salter Brett Memorial Scholarship
The recipient shall be a full time student who has declared English...
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Emma Truitt Memorial Scholarship
The recipient must be a senior woman who is an active member of a...
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Epsilon Pi Tau-Chester Taylor
Eligible students will be: 1. Member of Epsilon Pi Tau at Indiana State...
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Erik Dalton Myoskeletal Massage Therapy Endowed Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to an Indiana State...
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Ernest Peter Moselle '37 Memorial Endowed Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to an Indiana State...
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Estate of Rachel Lehman Fund
Recipient preferred to be going into the medical technology field and in...
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Esther P. Hamilton Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship will be given to a worthy female...
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Ethan A.T. Svendsen Fund
(1) Recipient should be an ISU student in the Industrial Arts Education...
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Eugene L. Herbst Chemistry Award
Eligible student will be: (1) Chemistry Major or minor in good standing
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Eva Mozes Kor Holocaust Study Scholarship at Indiana State University
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to an Indiana State...
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Evan and Lucy Lunsford Scholarship
The intent of this scholarship is to provide support to students...
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Faculty Senate Scholarship
Requirements for scholarship:
1. Full-time undergraduate student
2. ...
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Family and Consumer Sciences Diamond Anniversary Scholarship
Student in good academic standing majoring in Family and Consumer Sciences.
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Felstein Family Endowed Scholarship
The recipient shall be a resident of Vigo county. May be awarded to an...
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Florence Crittenton Scholarship
Scholarship for a student at Indiana State University at Sophomore rank...
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Florence Curtis Memorial Scholarship in Physical Education
One or two recipients are awarded the scholarship if they have a 3.0 or...
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Florence M. Thompson Scholarship
Must have at least 2 semesters as a residence assistant in Indiana State...
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Floyd M. and Margaret A. Dickey Pre-Dental Scholarship
Applicants must meet the following criteria: 1) Pre-dental student...
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Forrest Sherer Scholarship
Eligible students: (1) A Junior or Senior who has earned a cumulative...
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Fort Harrison Chapter of the D.A.R. Scholarship
Eligible student will be: (1) Graduate or undergraduate who has...
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Frank L. Miklozek Sr. and Louise Miklozek Memorial Scholarship
Consideration for the scholarship shall be given to an Indiana State...
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Fred A. & Joyce E. Snyder Award
1. Must be enrolled in the Principal Preparation or Superintendent...
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Fred and Mildred Crapo Scholarship in Theater
(1) Major in Theater, (2) Criteria shall be potential or demonstrated...
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Fred Brengle Scholarship
To provide scholarship funds to a student at Indiana State University...
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Fred E. & Hilda I. White Scholarship
Recipients should be students actively participating in intercollegiate...
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Fred H. Nicholson Scholarship
Eligible students can be: A continuing student with a minimum University...
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Fred Swalls Award in Educational Administration
(1) Applicant must be admitted to the PhD program in school...
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Frederica L. Kramer Study Abroad Scholarship
Consideration for this scholarship shall be given to an Indiana State...